Chainlink News

WEF ❤ Chainlink!

The World Economic Forum — the international non-governmental organization that hosts an annual meeting of global leaders at Davos — has partnered with Chainlink co-founder and CEO Sergey Nazarov to publish a whitepaper called “Bridging the Governance Gap: Interoperability for blockchain and legacy systems,” and a shorter, “TL;DR” blog post “The missing link between blockchains and enterprises” on their website:

The whitepaper and blog post explain the importance of blockchain oracles such as Chainlink to bring trusted, reliable off-chain data into the realm of blockchains and smart contracts, and so help usher in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” as first coined by WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab.

Categories News

Mainnet Node is Live!

The mainnet Chainlink node is finally live, with an Oracle contract address and the five standard jobs configured!

The Oracle Contract Address is:


Many thanks to the team for their patient, invaluable support and community-building!


Hello world!

Welcome to the fledgeling website!

There’s not much to see here so far, but hopefully more content — and a mainnet Link node — will be coming early in 2020!